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Event venue - LETŇANY


Trade fair FOR ARCH 2017 is experiencing record high interest of exhibitors

Number of exhibition spaces for the FOR ARCH fair is rapidly declining, interest in them is great. 28th International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH will be held from 19 till 23 September 2017 at PVA EXPO PRAGUE in Letnany. Novelty for exhibitors and visitors will be the new hall, which would be built on the site of the current Hall no. 7 and which will offer together with larger exhibition area much more comfort.

2017-03-15 12:46:44 More  

Are smart households safe?

Alarm systems are one of smart homes‘ elements. As intelligent household is maximum opened, connected and liberal, alarm systems have the task to protect inhabitants and users of building. It aspires to the complete opposite, and despite the fact that in each of the installed security system is now very easily sharing data virtually anywhere in the "local and global" network. A prerequisite is also integration with other systems, whether safety, operational or personal.

Use of alarm systems in intelligent buildings should be built on their primary use, protection. If it were not, it could be just an illusion of safety. It is possible that rapidly evolving technology also allows for a connection that will not be favourable for one or the another system (smart/security).

2017-03-15 11:07:49 More  

New things waiting for you within FOR ARCH 2017

This year’s edition of the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH, which is the largest event of this type in the Czech Republic, was extraordinarily successful again. Altogether 841 exhibitors presented their expositions there, 67 of them coming from abroad from 15 countries of the world, and the number of visitors thus exceeded the limit of 71,000 persons. This success would not have been possible without involvement of our long-term partners, and therefore we would like to express our thanks for the demonstrated support to the general partner of the trade fair, the ČEZ Group, to the car manufacturing company FORD for official cars of the trade fair, to the organisations and other institutions which provided their auspices for the event, as well as to all our professional and media partners. At the same time we would like to express our great thanks also to all visitors whose support is at the same time a great challenge for us in the future as well.

2017-01-17 10:39:44 More  

This year's 27th edition shifted the FOR ARCH fair again a bit higher


At this year’s International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH which was held at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre on 20 to 24 September 2016 it was possible to see presentations of altogether 841 exhibitors, 67 of which being from abroad, from 15 countries of the world. Together with the simultaneously held trade fairs FOR STAV, FOR THERM, FOR WOOD and BAZÉNY, SAUNY & SPA, the Exhibition Centre was visited by more than 71,000 people who admired excellent composition of exhibitors, including top leaders of the sectors, and also the rich accompanying programme of conferences, lectures and B2B negotiations. In many cases, record breaking participation was registered at individual events, which just proves the continuing great interest of professionals as well as the general public in the building sector.

2016-10-04 15:06:29 More  

Year of Crafts at FOR ARCH: Drones and clever households

Year of Crafts at FOR ARCH: Drones and clever households

How do traditional crafts look like in the digitalisation era? Why must craftsmen in Germany be able to completely connect a smart household and for what purpose do they use drones? These facts and many other interesting things were presented to participants of the Czech-German Craft Dialogue, which was organised by the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic (AMSP ČR) together with the Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts on 22 September 2016 at the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2016. The event presented the latest world trends in the development of trades and crafts at participation of domestic and German masters of individual sectors, guild masters and representatives of both the governments.

2016-09-27 14:07:40 More  

Exhibition of Indonesian companies opened by Indonesian ambassador along with the delegation

The ceremonial opening of the fair FOR ARCH was also attended by the Indonesian delegation of senior state officials led by the Indonesian Ambassador His Excellency Mr. A. Aulia Rachman and the CEO of the Department of the United States and European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Mr. Muhammad Anshor.

2016-09-27 12:26:10 More  

Matchmaking Business Meetings FOR ARCH 2016 - Another edition of successful international event closed

The fourth edition of international matchmaking Business meetings FOR ARCH was held on Trade Fair FOR ARCH at the exhibition area PVA EXPO PRAHA in Letnany on 22 September 2016.

This year's attendance was the highest, total of 121 companies from 12 countries have signed up! Besides ABF a.s. the event was organized by members of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic and Handwerkskammer Dresden in cooperation with partners from EEN and other institutions.

2016-09-27 11:28:46 More  

Winners of the 2016 GRAND PRIX competition for the best exhibit

The GRAND PRIX competition for the best exhibit, which is organised by the ABF, a. s. company, has taken place at the International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2016 this year as well. The competition was attended by altogether 41 registered products, and after the careful studying of the ground materials and on the basis of presentation of exhibits of the firms in the course of the first day of the trade fair the Jury granted five GRAND PRIX awards and six HONOURABLE MENTIONS without specifying any detailed order.

2016-09-26 10:04:58 More  

FOR ARCH found a new topic for 2017

The first big news regarding the 2017 FOR ARCH international building trade fair is a new topic that will be included in the exhibition. The topic is current trends and new solutions in the field of security technologies, protection of buildings, security services and IT and cyber security – a topic which becomes more and more important each day.

2016-09-24 10:17:31 More  

The FOR ARCH 2016 Trade Fair is opening its gates just today!

The twenty-eighth edition of the largest International Building Trade Fair in the Czech Republic is opening its gates for visitors this afternoon. The FOR ARCH Trade Fair is held at the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre and will last till Saturday, 24 September. More than eight hundred exhibitors from fifteen countries of the world will present there the latest trends from the field of the building industry on an exhibition area of almost 21,000 square metres.

Within the framework of the accompanying programme it is furthermore possible to attend specialised conferences with participation of leading personalities in the sector, important nation-wide architectonic competitions as well as a practical programme for entrepreneurs and the general public.  A great innovation compared to previous editions is given by various daily topics - quality of products, energy performance management, professional education, smart house concepts and self-built house constructions. Newly it will be possible to use also the independent BUILDING ADVISORY CENTRE where professionals will provide, free of charge, useful advice within the framework of the daily topics focused on the ways of how to manage various construction issues. In terms of additional topics, FOR ARCH will be complemented by the accompanying trade fairs FOR STAV, FOR THERM, FOR WOOD and BAZÉNY, SAUNY & SPA.


2016-09-19 13:59:08 More  

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Plan of exhibition area

FOR ARCH 2019 Final Report